ATTENTION: All you Lightworkers, Intuitives, Creatives, Helpers and Healers of the World, Spiritual Teachers and Conscious Business Leaders, Coaches, Speakers, Authors and everyone who has a message inside of them to share.
I am answering my call which is to call YOU to Action!
You were born to be a Sacred Pioneer, and you’ve been waiting and preparing for a time that has already come.
You feel things others don’t. You see things others don’t. Hear, Sense, and Know things that others do not.
You’re on a mission to do more than merely exist in mediocrity. You are not meant to struggle apart from the abundant life you desire and deserve. You struggle simply because you are being other than who you are and not doing what you are made to do.
Yes, there are many things you can do, but then there is that thing you were made to do. We need it. We want it.
You are here to change the World, and that starts with your world.
In your Heart, you know there’s a better way.
It’s time to face the Truth.
The Highest Good of All must include You, or it’s not the Highest Good.
Your gifts heal people and open doors to new possibilities.
Your vibration when you are being who you are and doing what you are made to do brings more Joy to you, and it is through Joy that we manifest the quickest and easiest.
You understand that you are a part of the One, and you experience this in your human existence.
When the points of Light that make up the One come alive, everything comes alive!
When you thrive, you are unstoppable.
We are nearing a tipping point, and every Soul makes a choice to Shine or to hide.
It’s time for you to Shine!
You know in your Soul that there exists Universal Law that is greater than any man-made rules or laws could ever express. When you learn to live within these Universal Guiding Principles, something magic happens.
No matter what you call it, God, Source, Spirit, the Universe, It is present and always on. When you feel disconnected from It, it is actually you that has disconnected.
Your Soul is speaking to you through your desires and dreams. Your Soul is calling you forward into a fuller expression and experience.
Many talk about saving our Soul. It doesn’t need rescuing. They talk about soothing our Soul. It does not need to be comforted. People talk about satisfying the Soul, but it’s the Ego that knows dissatisfaction. And people talk about selling our Soul, yet it’s the one thing that is truly safe from that.
Your Soul is perfect, whole and complete. It is the part of you “made in the image.” Your Soul is the “I Am.” Your Soul has all the answers you will ever need.
Each of us has self-created trash made up of all the things we have chosen to pick up and hold onto along the way. Because of this, we experience pain, sadness, resentment, regret, loneliness, anger, fear, doubt, worry, hopelessness and despair.
The clutter that you have accumulated and are operating from holds you back and keeps you feeling stuck. Your Soul calls out to you. It is still here. Through deep stirrings, gentle nudges, whispers, intuitive urgings, and, sometimes, traumatic awakenings, you are called to clear a path to your Soul.
Laws exist that govern the Universe, and the Soul lives in accordance with these laws. When you bring the Self into alignment with the Soul, it creates a congruent energy and allows the Soul to show up, to speak to you and to soar.
When you feel like you are spinning your wheels; when you keep falling back into patterns that no longer serve you; when you have dreams and desires that are calling to you, and you don’t see a way to connect with them and make them a reality – it is the perfect time to clear a path to your Soul, to dig through the trash, clear the mental and emotional clutter, and rediscover the treasure that awaits you.
You have a perfect operating system within You. It is the operating system of the Soul, and it’s the part of you that knows all about You and has exactly the answers you need to move forward into your fullest expression and experience.
Do you believe that You have everything inside of you in this moment that you need?
There are no failures, no mistakes. You are on your path, always, and this is your journey. You get to choose what step you will take next.
Your Soul is waiting for You.
This Source is waiting for you. It is right there in your Vision, your Mission, your Dreams and your Truth, in your creative spark and your inspiration, your passion, your purpose, your power, and all wisdom that comes through you. Above all else, it is Unconditional Love, and when you experience it, you are never ever the same.
Many people cannot sense this Source directly, and that is why they need You, why they are waiting for you. Your Tribe is waiting for you to step up and be who you are, so they can step in and experience your gifts.
When you are a Healer, the only way to your own healing is through being who you are and doing your work in the world. The only way.
Deep inside, you know who you are, and you always have. You sense your Being and It’s Source. You call to Self to wake up and take your place.
Your Soul is strong, and it will not stop calling. You can shut it out, for a while, numb it, repress it, try to ignore it, and all that gets you is a less-than life filled with dis-ease, dissatisfaction, distraction and drama.
You say you believe in an Infinite and Abundant Universe. Isn’t it time your life reflected that?
This is your calling.
How will You answer?