You’ve got big things to do in the world.
You have a vision. You’re on a mission, moving toward your dreams and desires and creating success for yourself on your terms.
Are you finding yourself right there on the verge of success, then suddenly you are stopped in your tracks by your own mind or derailed by your emotions?
I know this. Your time has come to SHINE!
All your dreams are on their way.
You just need a new perspective.
Don’t give up, and don’t give in.
You are so very close.
It’s at times like these, when we are so close to breaking through, and that’s when it all comes apart.
Resistance rears its ugly head, our “stuff” comes up, and we have a little work to do to carry us forward.
Are you finding yourself:
- Confused about who you are or what you are doing
- Unable to make decisions or think clearly
Paralyzed, frozen or stuck for no apparent reason - Overwhelmed with grief and sorrow
- Drowning in emotions – yours and those of others
- Stuck/trapped in toxic patterns, unhealthy habits and limiting beliefs
Do you feel that:
- You’ve lost your sparkle
- Things have lost their meaning
- You are having difficulty enjoying life and having fun
- You don’t deserve for things to be really good
Have you been experiencing:
- Intimacy breakdown
- Blocked communications
- Brick walls everywhere you turn
- Profound sadness, loneliness or disconnection from your true purpose and joy in life’s everyday pleasures
I am here to help you:
- Identify what is holding you back
- Rid yourself of toxic thoughts, patterns, environments and relationships that are poisoning the water for you
- Clean up unresolved issues and relationships from the past
- Heal stuffed feelings and explosive feelings
- Deal with feelings of being overwhelmed, powerless and helpless
- Overcome creative blocks
- Stay in integrity with your heart
- Master your emotions
- Makeover your mindset
- Honor what feels right for you
- Get the joy vibe flowing in your life.

- Free your feelings and live a truer life
- Stop holding yourself back
- Disengage from the drama that creates chaos and distracts you from your purpose
- Gain emotional clarity
- Know what you feel and use your feeling guidance system to move you forward
- Experience true Unconditional Love for yourself and others
- Stay on track and create the success you desire and deserve
Learn to face and transform your fears head on:
- Fear of loss of love
- Fear of criticism
- Fear of ridicule
- Fear of rejection
- Fear of abandonment
- Fear of not being liked
- Fear of failure
- Fear of success
I bring a unique blend of experience, training, knowledge and passion to my work which equips me to serve you in this powerful way on many levels. Over the past two decades, I have worked as a mental health counselor, therapist, patient educator, crisis and trauma specialist, victims advocate, grief and loss professional, hospital chaplain, certified spiritual director, energy healer, energy medicine specialist, and alternative and complementary medicine practitioner.
When you work with me, you are getting a Spiritual Teacher, Master Healer, Counselor, Coach, Intuitive, Strategist, Conscious Entrepreneur, Advisor and Guide all at the same time. I will work with you holistically, as a whole person, so that you can create a whole life that is joyful and fulfilling. And, if your desire is to then help others do the same, I will teach you how to do that.
In addition to that, my personal journey serves you on your journey:
I share with you how I went from running an expensive hobby just a few short years ago… giving my time, energy and my services away at the expense of myself… to be able to be of high service to others living my vision, my mission, my dreams and my truth all while creating a life I love that supports me and brings me joy… and you can, too!
I share with you how I went from an unhealthy toxic marriage that ended in divorce to being in a deeply fulfilling and satisfying partnership that has lasted over 20 years.
I share with you how I went from being sick with an undiagnosed illness for 7 years to being pain free and medication free.
I share with you my road to recovery from codependency and dysfunction to healing and growth.
I share with you how I healed my relationships with my husband, my children, my parents and my siblings and went on to build supportive and empowering communities both locally and globally.
I share with you how I took control of my life, my emotions and my own healing and then went on to help others do the same.
My Clients LOVE this work!
Your guidance, support, and ability to be strategic is invaluable. I was just thinking of you today and how working with you has been such a gift. Every session, you continue to pull more and more out of me making it so clear about what I am here to do, and who I am here to serve. 🙂 Thank you!
— Tara Preston
If you want to work with someone who has insight, foresight, heart and compassion, you want to work with Michelle. She is dedicated to healing in every area of people’s lives. As a counselor, minister, encourager or healer, she is a wonderful gift to the world.
— Dawn Billings
“If your core is weak, nothing else can be strong.”
I am going to take you through my C.O.R.E. program designed to make you stronger mentally and emotionally and help you build a rock-solid foundation from which you can create everything else!
Begin wherever you are. Choose your speed. Choose your focus. This program is tailor-made for you.
“If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster.” — Stephen Covey
Let’s Fix This Now!
I talk to people every week who are drawn to work with me, called to do something in the world and in their lives, and they are not doing it. For many reasons. I understand those reasons. And I am equipped to help you work through them, so you can move forward.
I help you turn your life’s calling into a profitable business you love, yes. AND I want you to know that I can also do deep work with you, work that will heal and transform you, so that you can create new results and manifest new miracles.
In fact, many of my Clients who come to me to build and grow their business end up taking a deep dive into all their “stuff” first.
Because I create a safe and sacred space for that. Because it’s my highest gift in serving others.
Heal Your Way to Wealth and Wellbeing: BEcoming A Successful You!
At one time, 90 Days to Transformation was my signature program, the primary way I worked with my Private Clients.
I sold this program exclusively for several years.
Then, guess what? I made money doing what I was doing, and so I started getting
approached to be a Business Coach for people like me.
Let me assure you of this:
I have been working in Personal Transformation for over 30 years.
I am Your Coach if YOU are what’s getting in your way.
I have done deep inner work with people for most of my life. I have a unique combination of experience, training and gifts that make me perfect to help you like this.
There is no topic that scares me. If it’s keeping you from your greatness and the life you want to be living, let’s tackle it.
I am really most comfortable with the hard-to-have conversations that others shy away from.
If you are ready to face those walls that are in your way and push past them, then I am here for you.
We will explore the tough questions and get down to the root.
We will bring the hidden to Light.
We will uncover the hidden secrets of why you are so challenged around success.
I will hold space for you every step of the way.
Why 90 Days?
This period of time, the equivalent of one season, has been identified as a key period for defining and working on goals and intentions. Starting here today, you are, essentially, working on the business of your life. In 90 days, you can make dramatic and measurable changes in your life.
Get clear about your destinations, then discover, over time, the paths you will take to get there. You have the chance to revisit your plan and your purpose and make adjustments; to receive feedback; to act, assess and adjust, making course corrections to move you forward more powerfully to where you want to be. You have the opportunity to reflect on the changes within yourself and your world. Do not follow your life blindly. Create your life with intention.
Are you merely interested or committed?
Shifting is only the beginning. As you move out of your current experience into creating a new way of being, doing and having, it requires conscious maintenance of this new state of being you move into so you don’t fall back into patterns that no longer serve you. You’ll be working at all levels, too, as you integrate the changes you are making physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Are you ready?
Let’s Do It!
As a 90 Days to Transformation Client, you’ll experience:
- An initial 90-minute Session with Coaching Specialist Michelle Barr
- 5 bi-weekly 60-minute Private Coaching Calls scheduled at your convenience with Coaching Specialist Michelle Barr
- Ongoing access to Michelle by Messenger, Email, or Text during your time together
- Hand-Picked Tools and resources for you to work with during our time together and are yours to keep to use over and over again
Pay In Full - $6000
Pay In Full to receive a BONUS extra private coaching session to use within 30 days of completing your time with Michelle.
$2000 per Month
Payable 30 days apart
Note: I understand that I am being offered a payment plan of 3 months and that this is an agreement between myself and Michelle Barr in which this entity will be financing me. My commitment upon signing up is to the entire 90-Day Program, and I will fulfill my financial obligation as such. I understand that this is not a pay-by-the-month or month-to-month program. My payment to Michelle Barr Unlimited signifies my agreement. Thank you.
*Ask me about my 6-Month Private Coaching Option with an investment of $10k and includes a 1/2 day VIP Day as a BONUS. You can start here if you would prefer a longer and stronger commitment and container, or you can choose to roll from the 90-Day into the 6-Month Program any time during your first 90 days.
One thing I have learned from you, Michelle, is never stop reaching and always work on moving forward to the unimaginable. With all the work I have done I have realized that we are our own mirror, our own trigger response and we choose the outcome we will follow. Those triggers in our life whether they are positive ones or negative are just that, triggers, that makes us reflect on how we are feeling at the moment, and we can control where those triggers lead us to. Michelle has done the work to achieve what we all strive for and that is true peace with ourselves and our purpose here in the universe.
— Alexandra Falticeni
I am honored to write a recommendation for Michelle. She is a colleaque, a coach and a friend. With incredible insight and intuitive wisdom, Michelle has an uncanny ability to say just the right thing.
She speaks from her heart and with a deep knowingness. Inspiring and direct, Michelle can guide her clients in a way that they grow and can make tremendous steps in the right direction for their lives.
— Denise Ackerman
How are you going to get the TRANSFORMATION that will truly change your life?
I am ready to work with you!
No time will ever be better than right now. I encourage you to give this gift to yourself.
Imagine what we can do during the next 90 days to get you on track, feeling better, and seeing new positive results in your life. Imagine how you will feel now, because you are taking action and saying yes to transformation
You know if this is right for you. I want to support you in showing up for yourself. I want to support you in finding your next right step and saying yes to it.
The thing I don’t want you to do right now is to sit still and not know what to do next. Respond to this by either knowing, Yes, this is for me! Or no, I don’t feel ready to do this. And then, where does that leave you? Ask yourself, What is right for me right now? What do I need to support myself in saying yes to my next step?
If you know this is for you, I encourage you to make the investment in yourself now by choosing your next right step.
The most successful people will tell you that they consistently make the investment in themselves to work with a Coach who can provide the necessary rocket fuel to move them to having breakthrough after breakthrough as they learn to live more fully and more often in the flow, without resistance, and are able to move more constantly and consistently on their own momentum. It takes a tremendous amount of energy in the initial stages of this part of the journey to work with these processes. A great Coach can accompany you through this, offer opportunities for insight and shift, and can provide invaluable resources.
Working with me as your Coach and Mentor provides the benefits of receiving information, awareness and insight, intuitive and energetic healing and clearing, as well as accountability, consistency, support, guidance and ongoing training.
As my client, you are provided with support and guidance, intuitively, energetically, and through the teaching and application of principles, tools and techniques that move you into new understandings and ways of being and doing and having.
I recommend that my clients make a 90-Day commitment to working with me and take advantage of the discounted special package prices I offer. In my work, I have found that 90 days of consistently working together creates profound and lasting transformation, and clients are able to M.O.V.E. through my powerful processes and see results in a very real way.
Be excited about your journey. Your journey is Now.
I am so grateful and excited to meet you right here, wherever you are on your journey, and to share this part of your journey with you.
Wishing You Absolute Joy in Your Journey!
Your Sacred Success Coach
Michelle Barr
Michelle is one of the most heart centered people I know. If you need a coach she will help you push your edge of excellence in a good way!
— MarVeena Meek
I just want to say thank you for showing up at the perfect time and inviting me in a loving, nudging way to play a bigger game. I’m ready now. ♥ Thank you.
— Lisa Carmen
Michelle is a highly intuitive healer and coach who knows how to get you unstuck the quickest way possible. She has a wealth of knowledge and Soul Level Wisdom to draw from that makes her approach unique, catalystic and deeply healing. I would highly recommend Michelle if you are wanting to uplevel in business, start a new career or just move past some life patterns that are holding you back.
— Marie Georgopulos
When I met Michelle, I was looking to express the sadness of losing my husband to cancer last year, and how to move forward finding peace and joy in living my life. I wanted to find the tools and resources I needed to help me on my journey to discover my life purpose, and Michelle has certainly helped me to do so. Michelle, you are insightful, informative, and simply incredible! Thank you for your wisdom. You have helped me on my path to enlightenment, and I am filled with gratitude to have met you along this journey. — Velma Ballot
Michelle Barr is one of the rare coaches who actually walks her talk by living and utilizing her coaching techniques in her everyday life. Through her extensive work in the mental health and holistic field, Michelle is a premier coach that extends great value and insight to help you transform your internal world, thereby transforming your reality! I have worked with Michelle on many occasions, and the results are astounding!
— DeDe Murcer Moffett
Before hiring Michelle, I suffered with perfectionistic tendencies which kept me stuck in belief systems of I could never be, do or have enough, etc. With her expertise, she helped me get to the core of my problem and I am proud to report an increase in well-being. I am now at peace and I live life with joy and positive expectancy. Thank you, Michelle!
— Kadena Tate
Michelle used her ‘magic’ to promote physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing for me after major surgery. Since then she has been able to pinpoint areas in my consciousness in need of quantum healing and then provide the correct modality to assist in the healing. An insightful counselor, she is excellent and to the point. Few emotional and spiritual therapists can provide healing and counsel at the same exacting high level as that of Michelle. I strongly recommend one contact Michelle if they are going through a time of confusion in any area of their life. It is time well-spent.
— Bonnie Bolin Peterson
Michelle is a fantastic practitioner. She is a sharing and caring individual who helps many people each day. She shares her knowledge and she uses it for the betterment of mankind. As a spiritual leader she has divine guidance. All who come in contact with her are better for the experience. I would recommend Michelle to anyone considering her services.
— Beverly Jones