
In the Media

Interested in knowing more about what I do ?

Browse the interviews below to learn more about what I do, how I do it, and who I serve. You can catch me live, every Wednesday, on Fox2 News, The Noon!

Your story, and your destiny, are important.

Our experiences – all of it, the good, the bad, the hang-ups, the heartaches, the victories and the defeats – can create blocks in our minds and spirits that stop us from being able to live at our highest levels. I can help you M.O.V.E. forward and create a life you love and all that you need, want, and desire.

Services & Offerings

A Carefully Curated 9-Week Course

An Empowering and Supportive Membership Community

4 High Touch High Impact Private Coaching Containers

Click on Work with Dr. Michelle for more information


(469) 215-2905
4261 E. University Drive, #30-162
Prosper, TX 75078


Dr. Michelle Barr

Doing life your way, with epic results.

Let’s Connect, and I’ll Send You Great Things!