“When we begin to dream big dreams, to set intentions and goals for ourselves, when we begin to strive for prosperity, abundance, health, wealth and success, everything that is not in alignment with that rises up to be healed or transformed. We must heal so that we can soar.” — Michelle Barr, M.Ed., Intuitive Success
I have always been called into the healing arts. I was a mental health counselor and then a hospital chaplain, and from there I moved into alternative and complementary medicine and became a Holistic Healer and Energy Medicine Specialist. Now, I am a Coach, Teacher and Speaker. I have studied and worked with many healing modalities.
When I first started the Prosperity and Abundance work, I thought it was different, separate from the work I had done before. Then I found myself in an experiment that became interweaved and integrated first into my work and then into my life. I was doing it, and then I was living it, being it.
When I set out to become a seeker, student and then teacher of Prosperity and Abundance and working with the Law of Attraction, I was ready to go. Bring me more work, more money, more happiness, more of everything that is good! And then the stuff started to rise up to be healed, and I was mad. “I have worked with this,” I cried. “I did this already! Didn’t I?”
I came to the realization that, when we begin to dream big dreams, to set intentions and goals for ourselves, when we begin to strive for prosperity, abundance, health, wealth and success, everything that is not in alignment with that rises up to be healed or transformed. We must heal so that we can soar.
Now I find myself in a place where I see the great benefit that comes to me through continuing to work on my inner healing. This has enhanced the Prosperity and Abundance work for me. The more I clear, the better it gets.
In my journey through the vast network of writings, teachings, and experts in the “Success” Industry, I found my way back home to what I was already doing with a new and powerful insight that Inner Healing Is A Strategy For Success!
I am a former mental health therapist and hospital chaplain. In 2003, I turned my life into an experiment in the Law of Attraction, and in 2007, I began sharing what I was learning. I have been sharing this journey ever since. I have created a business based on the life I wanted to live that now supports and sustains that life, and I now do not just what I can do but what I am made to do. My work has grown and evolved as I have, and my business reflects this as much as my life does.
Let me show you how Healing Your Way to Prosperity can change your life for the best.