One bite at a time!
I’m putting a stake in the ground!
What are your current thoughts and feelings about money? About your value? Your worth? About what you charge others in exchange for using your gifts? About receiving money for Spiritual work?
You see, when I experienced negative charges around these issues, I ended up running a very expensive hobby which ran both me and my business into the ground. I had to close the doors. Then I had to face the pain of not doing my work.
Too many of you are having similar experiences. I see it all around me in my community, with my clients and students and some of my colleagues.
💥Now, here’s something that might shock you, so hold on to your seat! Whatever is your gift from Spirit, you should actually be charging the most for. It is what you are here to do.
Here’s another thing. People value what they pay for. Have you ever given away free sessions? I have, and the people who received them didn’t have the same amazing results as those who had invested in themselves by paying money for what they received. They didn’t show up for themselves and do the work in the same way. And, often – and this one’s a heartbreaker – they went to someone else who they did pay.
I see so many healers and people who come from the heart and want to give that have these issues come up. I was one of them. I worked with many others of them.
There is so much healing that needs to be done in our community and our industry around these issues.
Have you yourself or anyone you know expressed their distaste for or distrust of people who have money? It is Universal Law that you can never become that which you resist or have negative feelings for. You will not allow yourself to become it. Think about that! What feelings and beliefs do you have about “rich people?” About people “with money?”
💣Your Spiritual work is not something you are meant to do on the side, something to try to make time for, while you struggle to make a living doing something you don’t love. It is what you are meant to be living, all the time.
Know this, that the issues that are coming up for you around money and your work are very probably the things that are holding you back. These things, once you move through them, will bring you the very rewards you seek. Cool, huh?
One time in the very beginnings of my business, at an event, I was asked, “What are you putting a stake in the ground for? What really keeps you up at night? What is getting to you?” And this is it!
These are the issues that are keeping all you Healers, Spiritual Teachers, and Coaches from creating the success you need to do your work in the world in a way that supports you, and it’s keeping you from creating the success you deserve.
💥The tide is turning around Spirituality and money. Many now believe that the path to making money doing what we love and using our gifts while being paid well is the utmost Spiritual journey. It has been for me! Money is simply energy, and for those of us who live and work Spiritually, it’s Spiritual energy.
The tide is turning. Will you be a part of that wave?
💣Your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes will determine your success. Your mindset about money will drive your business and your life. We have collectively given money that much power.
Isn’t it time we brought more money into the hands of those with more heart? Think what this could do for the world.
Many of the successful Spiritual Entrepreneurs I have trained with are doing great works all over the world. The money they make in their businesses allow them to do this. Imagine what you yourself could do! Start looking around you for these new messages. Immerse yourself in them. Begin to focus on them. Shift your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes.
💥No more poverty consciousness in our community. We call now for wealth consciousness. Envision it. Embrace it. Embody it. Claim it for yourself.
My Coach’s Challenge for you is to get really honest about your money thoughts and money beliefs, and choose to change them to better support you.
My passion is to get you out into the world using your gifts and to support you energetically in your personal journey toward whatever Sacred Success calls to you to uncover. I am here to teach, to coach, to mentor, and to offer intuitive guidance, and I am here to offer energetic healing. I am called to work with Healers, Intuitives, Transformational Coaches, and Spiritual Entrepreneurs. If that is you, I invite you into conversation with me.