
How A Vision Board Is Really Turning My Desire Into Riches!

Have you ever read the book Think and Grow Rich?

Have you ever applied it to your life?



It’s been the springboard for prosperity, abundance and success teachings for the past several decades. It’s a great book that has had a huge impact on me. I even spent a year in a prosperity mastermind studying and applying the principles of this book to our daily lives.

That’s the way to make it work. You have to really come to know the material at an experiential level by applying it to your life. I never teach or speak about anything that I have not lived first through my own life. And I’m excited now to share with you my recent experiences with this material.

I’ve known this material on various levels for the past few years. I’ve read the book, and I’ve listened to it on audio. I’ve heard other people speak about it, and seen what other people have written about it. But something nudged me to dive deeper into this in October, and I always pay attention to my nudges.

I was having a stuck kind of month. The minute I started upleveling my business and my life, things came to a grinding halt. I was really struggling. I have learned that when I ask, it is always given, so I asked, focused my intention and became hyperalert for opportunities that were already there for me if I could just see them.

I began to think about creating a vision board. I haven’t had a vision board in quite a while, and it’s not a tool I use consistently, but suddenly I was feeling such a strong urge to create one. It was becoming so insistent, and here’s why. Every time I was asking for what I needed and getting focused on my intention, the answer was showing up. It was up to me not to dismiss it. So, I set aside some time and sat down to create my vision board. That’s when I “saw” the principles come to life from Think and Grow Rich and how I could apply them in creating my vision board.

The most important part of Think and Grow Rich is the exact formula Napoleon Hill gives you to turn desire into riches, “the method by which DESIRE for riches can be transmuted into its financial equivalent.” I have seen how we can go all around the outside edges in pursuit of what we most desire, dance around, put in what looks and feels like effort, then wonder why it doesn’t work. And here’s the sad part – the minute you DECIDE it doesn’t work, then that has to be the truth in your reality, so, it doesn’t work.

Napoleon Hill lays it out for us in six definite, practical steps. Yet, rarely do I see people willing to do this one thing that he says works, that other wealthy and successful people say works. Why is that?

I have to admit to you, even when I was in the mastermind specifically to work with this book and these principles, I didn’t apply it. As we often do, I absorbed the information and then said, oh, yeah, I know that. But I didn’t DO it.

This time, I was ready to see things differently. And I was ready to actually do something about it.

I built a vision board around these six steps, and I also followed the process exactly as he laid it out.

Six weeks later, the results were astounding me. And I know this stuff works!



I had nine things that I wanted to manifest immediately. Four of the things I desired showed up, and I began to see movement with another three. When I looked at the remaining two, I saw where they were not truly a priority, I was not energetically supporting them as much, and with one I had not made space yet for it to show up.

One of my desires is to replace my husband’s income. I want us in the next few years to have the option to make whatever decisions we want concerning our careers and the work we do in the world without money and need having to be a deciding factor. I have had this desire for several years now, but this time I saw real movement. And I know why. By using this process, I was in complete alignment with the Laws of the Universe and operating within the flow of the way it all works energetically to support it actually showing up in the third dimension.

Two weeks later, I made more money in one week than I usually make in a month, and even more exciting, I made more money in that week than I have ever made in my life. And it gets even better. Once I acknowledged the abundance coming in and stayed in the flow, really receiving it, more money began to show up very quickly from unexpected sources. A big Christmas money check that I have never received before, a refund from my electric company, and payment for services I had not yet delivered all showed up in my mailbox. Someone who pays me monthly for shared services paid me upfront for two months to make sure I had the money in time. And one of my Facebook friends I have never met gave me a free ticket to a big live event happening in my area.

The extra money coming in was enough to allow me to purchase the window coverings for my new house that I had been wanting and that were on my vision board and new furniture that was also on my vision board. I also hired a new maid after going without one for quite a few months while we were moving and trying to sell our other house. That house that is for sale, by the way, is also on my vision board. It has been on the market all year long, with hardly a bite, and in the past six weeks, we have had three serious buyers come to the table to negotiate.

I find that the more I do my piece of it, every day, the more what I desire comes in.

I got so excited by this and because of the results I got with it, I was ready to share it with my community. I taught it as a live online workshop, and you can access the recording and get started on your own success right now.

UPDATE I posted 6 Weeks Later: My clients and students are loving this, and that makes me so happy. I am even amazed at how much success I have created with this and so quickly. I love this tool and so glad I have learned to use my intuition, manage my energy and master my mindset so that I was willing to receive the inspiration and take the inspired action to create this and be able to share it with you. This truly is all about leaving the how’s to the Universe, one of the 9 Universal Guiding Principles I have built my life and my business on. Today, just six weeks later, I have created one of the biggest things on my Vision Board, some very specialized coaching and training I need, and the money to pay for it. I have 9 things I want to receive on my Vision Board. Four showed up right away. Since then, my energy has shifted, my intentions have gotten clearer, my focus stronger, and so more opportunities to receive the other 5 things on my list have shown up, and I stepped into them.

TELECLASS: Create A Vision Board Based On the Powerful Principles Taught in “Think And Grow Rich” and Turn Your Desire Into Riches!

In this Teleclass, I will teach you the very specific 6-Step Manifesting Process laid out by Napoleon Hill in his bestseller “Think And Grow Rich” and utilized by thought leaders ever since. Then I will lead you through the construction of your very own Vision Board for 2018. This isn’t your average vision board and may be very different from what you have done in the past. This is Purposeful Manifesting at its best based on timeless teachings, Universal Law, energy medicine, and brain science.

This Event is available to you as a downloadable mp3.

The cost for this 2-Hour Teleclass is



Access Your Workshop and Get Started On Your Own Success Right Now!

You can contact us with any questions at clientcare@michellebarr.com