
I designed the lifestyle I wanted to live and built a business to support and sustain it, and now I want to show you how!


How To Build Your Money-Making Purpose-full Business Both Offline and Online Using Michelle’s System that Combines Mastery, Monetizing and Marketing. Blueprint Systems and Processes Lead You Every Step of the Way, while Mindset and Mastery  Coaching Help You to Make It Happen.


Michelle has created the only Business School for Conscious Entrepreneurs that combines both strategic and intuitively-guided processes that, together, create extraordinary results. It is this unique combination of the energetic and the practical that make it so powerful!



Hello and Welcome!

You’ve come to the right place to plug into a community of Conscious Entrepreneurs stepping up into a bigger platform and building their businesses through reconnecting with and living into their Purpose.

Have you found yourself in the middle of the most intensive personal and spiritual growth and development course you could ever enroll in? Either because you decided to build your own business or to move forward into a better more expanded and satisfying life?

Are you confused and frustrated by all the information that is out there but somehow just not quite complete?

Do you desire additional clarity and help with the resistance that is getting in your way?

Are you looking for a teacher, guide, and mentor who can offer you a model and a structure that you can use to take your gifts out into the world?

If you’ve answered yes to any one of these questions (and my sense is that you probably did, otherwise you wouldn’t have been drawn to this website), then I invite and encourage you to take a closer look and open to the possibilities and opportunities that await you right here.

Pay attention, because this is game-changing and life-changing stuff that has been tested and tried out on myself and my clients and students for the past 4 years, and it’s waiting for you in answer to exactly what you’ve been asking for.

The fact is that many people from all over the world have stood right where you are, feeling just like you do, and what changed everything for them is when they did something new that began to create new results and when they made a commitment and made a decision.

There is a choice point in every moment, and your choice point lies right here, right now.

If you are being called to do something in the world, if you have a message to share and a desire to create a better life for yourself and help others do the same, then don’t waste another minute living anything less, resisting your calling, out of alignment with your Purpose, and craving the Joy you know is possible but somehow eludes you.

This works, whether you are a ledge leaper or a baby stepper.


You have a right to follow your heart.

Knowing that is where your power is.


Let’s look at the things that stop you most:

  • The fears you face stepping into your Purpose
  • Self-doubt
  • A feeling of uncertainty of how to show up or where to go
  • Negative internal chatter
  • External voices telling you to play it safe
  • Trust


You exist exactly as you are for a reason. Your Purpose is that reason.

So, why does it seem so hard to find and fulfill?

You can tell yourself all kinds of stories for not taking action toward your dreams.

You can come up with all sorts of justifications for why you haven’t fully stepped into your own calling or taken things to the next level in your life.

You say you’ll put it off for later, for another time, and then a year later you find yourself still spinning in circles, searching endlessly for answers or waiting to be shown the way.

And where does that leave you?

Frustrated, stuck and confused about how to get started and which way to go.

Have you ever found yourself saying, “Something really needs to change in my life right now!” then decide to wait until the support shows up that will allow you to move forward and do what you came here to do?

Here’s the problem with that.

You were made to express your Purpose in this lifetime.

Your life today is a direct result of you either living in your Purpose or not living in your Purpose. Everything in your life is giving you feedback, including your bank account.

If you are waiting for your freedom to show up so that you can finally follow your calling and live your Purpose, it will continually elude you.

Your Freedom comes to you as a result of living and growing into your Purpose, from where you are right here and right now.

I know, because I have been right where you stand. In that choice point moment, I said, “Yes!” I made a commitment, and I made a decision. I’ve worked my way through it with amazing teachers, coaches, mentors and guides, and it made all the difference. Now I am here and ready to do that with you, to be that for you.

No Matter What!

Whatever It Takes!

And it has been the greatest adventure and journey of my life!

I invite you to say, “Yes!” to your adventure of a lifetime. I encourage you to make a commitment to your Self and make a decision. Whatever you do right now, before you leave this page, make a decision, “Yes!” or “No.”

What is it that these other people you see out there in the world did to enable and empower them to create these significant, purposeful and joy-filled lives living in their Purpose and creating the success they desire? The simple answer is two-fold: (1) information, and (2) accountability. That’s right, the only thing that these people have that you don’t right now is the information that reveals how you can actually do these things and the accountability, guidance and support that the right teacher, coach and mentor can offer you.

In truth, that is really what separates those who are achieving success, doing what they love, answering their calling, and feeling fulfilled in their Purpose from those who are watching their lives pass by, day after day, wishing, dreaming and getting ready to do something some day. Meanwhile, they’re stuck living a less-than life, far from the one they imagine and can actually have, doing what they “have to,” “should,” and “ought to” do rather than what they were made to do.

We live in an information age as well as an age where so many are waking up and searching. You are needed. You know that. You feel that. Your journey is important, and right here and right now  you have everything you need to begin to impact lives and make a difference. You have value to bring to the marketplace. Your gifts and your knowledge and wisdom are your vehicle.

Successful people come into and stay in this cycle, living in rhythm with the Universal Law of Giving and Receiving, seeking and providing. A harmony is created, whereby this Universal Guiding Principle is lived out: “Teacher is student, and student is teacher. Both always giving and receiving.” And through this, all grow and prosper. By coming into and constantly remaining in this cycle, your journey toward success proceeds. If you are not consistently offering what you have and investing in your own personal and spiritual growth and development at the same time, your chances of having the success you desire are very limited and hard to come by. I see this every day, and I have been known to get up on my soapbox about it.

This path will enrich your journey and your life no matter which way you choose to serve moving forward, and it will prepare you so that you have many options as you move through different seasons. Whether you are seeking personal and spiritual growth and development, want to volunteer, begin the transition from the work you do now to retirement and new possibilities, or build a thriving full-time business, you will be prepared to do so.

Right now, you are seeking, and that is a great first step. You have decided to visit this webpage, become proactive and start seeking the support and guidance that you need to achieve your dreams. Once you move forward, you will be in a position to show others the way in your own unique way, and you can begin to help them achieve their dreams, too, all while achieving your own. It’s a beautiful and organic process.

More and more seekers are showing up every day, and more and more teachers, coaches, mentors and guides are needed and will continue to be needed.

I am showing up here now to be your teacher, coach, mentor and guide.

Here’s your next step, and it’s free!