Find Your Freedom Series Episode Two: My IOA Formula for Success
Hello, this is Michelle Barr. Welcome to episode two of my Find your Freedom series here on my podcast. I am so excited to bring this information, this inspiration, and this motivation to you based on what I had to do to create the business and the life I have now, a business and a life that I love.
I began by creating a vision of the life I wanted to live. Then I created a business to support and sustain that. As I grow and evolve, I revisited and my business grows and evolves as well. Today I want to share with you my IOA formula for success. This was a really big piece and once I discovered it, I have used it all the time over and over again.
It has made a world of difference. I want to talk to you about this when you want something better, something more for yourself, your most important first step is to realize that it’s up to you to create a better life and then know that you can do that starting right now.
In working with my private coaching clients, I find that positive changes and new results can begin to show up within the first 30 days. By the end of 90 days of working consciously to create a better life, many things have come to them and their lives truly are more satisfying, fulfilling and joyful.
No matter what you want to do, no matter what you want to work on, no matter what area of your life you’re ready to make changes in, the principles and processes for that aren’t the same. Everybody who teaches about success principles is talking to you about taking action and there’s a reason why it is the place where dreams become reality, where desires are made manifest and taking action is the only way to bring your vision into your waking world.
Action is what manifests things for you on the third-dimensional plane right here. So it shows up in your life. But you don’t want to just take any action, you don’t want to just be doing, doing, doing. You want to learn to receive inspiration and then experience the power that comes with taking inspired aligned action.
You have a choice point in every moment. That is in every moment. You are either moving toward or away from what you say you want most. You’ve got to get real. You’ve got to take honest inventory and you have got to ask yourself, Am I taking action toward what I say I want most? Your answer to that is everything.
It’s important to first develop your gifts, abilities and skills in your life. Then to learn to use the IOA formula for success, IOA- Intention, Opportunity, Action. The IOA integrates these three action steps with the use of your intuition, your energy, and your mindset; the result is magic. This allows you to take your dreams and vision and live into them here and now. So they actually show up in your physical world.
You learned first to reconnect your personal and creative energy with your physical reality. Then you learn how to master the art of taking action. But remember not just any action, inspired, aligned action. The best news is you don’t even have to ask yourself well, is this right for me? Will this help me right now? Maybe I’m not ready. I don’t have all my ducks in a row.
I made space for this in my life plan but later, I’m setting the stage. I’m setting the table. Stop! I am an expert at helping people get into action. I will tell you this this will work for you whether you are a baby stepper or a large leaper, I work with both and the results are the same.
The reason it works is because it all works with your energy. You’ve got to get to the action. The truth is it takes third-dimensional action to create third-dimensional results. It takes massive third-dimensional action to create massive third-dimensional results. That means you have to come out of your head come out of the ethers and make this thing happen for you in real-time.
It’s so much better that way really getting unstuck from your stuff. It’s a big one. My passion is to get people out into the world using their gifts. This is a place where you can get really stuck because you’re putting yourself out there and you’re asking for something in return. This is when all your programs beliefs, patterns, and habits related to your value and your worth start showing themselves.
You are stuck. You’re having a personal crisis or you’re getting in your own way. But you also have this vision. You know you have been called to do something and you’re trying to step out and do it. That’s when mastering the art of taking action really works because that is when you can get in touch with your why.
Connect in with your vision, your mission, your dreams and your own personal truth and act from a place of purpose. The minute you hear that calling and you respond as soon as you step out and step up when you have big dreams and big visions, you set big goals and intentions. The minute you do that, everything inside of you that is not in alignment with that comes up. It comes up to be cleared, healed and resolved. I call it your stuff and it’s part of the process.
But what it feels like is I’m not strong enough to do this now. I’m trying to do this thing and look what’s getting in the way. The Universe, God, source, my guides, my inner guidance and my higher self don’t want me to do this right now. I am here to tell you, this is a big shift to make and it makes all the difference. Your higher self, your trusted source whatever name you call that wants for you whatever you want for yourself.
If there’s a desire within you calling it for, it is possible. It is part of why you are here. Spirit wants for you what you want for you. Then you have to become the person who can be, do and have that. I helped my clients all the time in the ways that I’ve had to be helped becoming the person that can get the results I desire.
So you have that big vision and then your stuff comes up. Realize that your stuff coming up means you actually are doing the work. It’s working and just beyond.
It is the gold, the life, the success, the freedom and release that you’re searching for. Looking at it this way reframes it, you can avoid going into crisis when this happens. By realizing it is part of the process. Now you can work with it. Use it as a catalyst. It is a tool for your personal and spiritual growth and development and an integral part of the process.
You have a feeling guidance system inside of you. So when you step up and say “I am successful, I’m a business person”. When you step up and say “I am going to be more, do more and have more”, you are saying use me. I am ready to be used. That is a big message you’re sending out to the universe and the universe will usually respond in a big way.
IOA- intention, opportunity action. Intention- -when you have something showing up in your life. It always started with an intention. That’s great if you have been consciously creating but not always so much. If you have been unconsciously creating it all starts with desire. You have a desire and you set an intention. You are always setting intentions either consciously or unconsciously.
Then you see what you are asking for, what you believe and expect showing up all around you. The first thing I do when a client comes to me with something they don’t want showing up in their life is to go back to when this first started occurring, and see what they were asking for either consciously or unconsciously. Always, a starting point can be found that began bringing the energy of this into physical form.
The key is to become more and more conscious about setting intentions and get clear, centered, focused and grounded. The number one thing that people come to me with is confusion. So your first step is to transform your confusion into clarity.
Confusion is one of the things I most often see keeping people stop. Whatever you are asking the universe is answering. So keeping your state yourself in a state of confusion is always a choice. You can choose to stay in a confused state. I will tell you if you’re staying in a confused state for any length of time, you’re choosing to do that and it’s serving you in some way. There is something you are refusing to see or there is something you are refusing to respond to. It’s there.
Go back and take honest inventory and figure out why you are needing to stay in this state. Then take steps to move into clarity. When faced with confusion, there is always something you can do to move out of it. Take 100% responsibility to push through your confusion, recognize it as resistance. Wherever there is a need and a desire there is also the ability to fulfill it now.
O- opportunity. There is always a way forward from wherever you now stand.
When you set an intention you activate ask and it is given. Every sacred text has a version of this. Yet many no longer believe it’s true. It’s not that it’s not happening every day. It’s that you aren’t understanding it and so you can’t see it and use it. The moment you ask, it is always given. So now you become hyper-alert. You watch for what shows up. What is going to show up as an opportunity and it’s up to you to see it and step into it and here’s the thing, it’s not always going to show up as you expect it to and it’s not going to be comfortable. It’s going to stretch you, it’s going to stretch and grow you if you already were a match to it. You would already have it.
It’s going to be inconvenient. It’s going to be uncomfortable. It’s going to seem illogical. A lot of times it’s going to feel expensive at the beginning, Here’s why you are asking for something that you don’t currently have. It’s not in your environment because you’re not yet a match for it. But you have a desire for it. So it’s in your energy.
Now you have to bring it into physical form. You have to change something within yourself so that it can show up outside of you. If you could already possess it you would. Don’t get stuck here. A lot of people do. I urge you not to miss read what is showing up first and think it’s a sign.
You aren’t supposed to have this thing you desire. It’s not a time when it’s not right for you. Where God said no or your angels said not now. Spirit wants for you, what you want for yourself. Spirit created you to be a creator and spirit gave you free will. It’s all here for you. You have to choose it.
You have to choose to be the person who can be it, do it and have it. Do you see this? You always have to go first. You will wait forever waiting for Spirit to bring you everything you think you need to make your move because Spirit cannot impede on our freewill.
As you seek to align yourself to this thing you desire, what shows up first feels and looks like a lot of crap. What you are seeing is everything that is currently not in alignment energetically with what you are wanting to bring in.
It’s telling you, you can have this thing you want. But here’s what’s going to have to go. Here’s what’s going to have to be dealt with first. You can’t take this with you. Here’s what is going to have to be cleared, healed or resolved. That’s your first work.
What shows up next is opportunity. Stay with it. Hold space for what you want. Recognize it, focus your will and stay the course. Here’s another place where you might feel really frustrated. Self-doubt can kick in. I encourage you not to turn away from what you are bringing in because then you get into start and stop energy and what you desire stops moving toward you.
Then you start making up a whole lot of stories about why you can’t shut in. You can’t have it you, don’t have it. It’s not for you. It’s not now, never, you always, Everyone in my family, people always say when that opportunity shows up. You want to meet it head on step up and take inspired and aligned action.
The sooner you take action, the sooner you bring what you desire into form, in this life, in the third dimension here and now. That is when you see the results and what you desire begins to show up in your world.
Action, make a decision it all starts right here. As soon as you do, you will set things in motion and the universe will conspire on your behalf. You have to take the first step every time.
Right after I created the body of work I call mastered the art of taking action. I had the opportunity to speak with Janet Schweitzer, business coach, to Jack Canfield and many other well-known transformational leaders of the human potential movement.
This was some years ago. I was really early in my business. As I was pitching her this work I was developing at the time. She said I see what you do. Your message to people is Get over your garbage and take action. Well, yes. When I talked about my work, I talked about how to master the art of taking action.
So you can get moving in the direction of your dreams and desires and create a better life now. In all truth how I got from where I was to where I am now was by learning how to indeed get over my garbage. Then I had to learn how to take action in an empowered and intuitive way that best serves me.
I want the same for you and I want it now. Do you? I see people like you, they show up as my clients and students beginning to make new discoveries about themselves in their world and creating some powerful shifts in their thoughts and feelings and beliefs. Yet they are still stuck right at the point where it’s time to take action. Can you relate?
As you clear away, more and more of the mental and emotional clutter that can overtake your life and blocking your connection to your inspiration. You will discover as I did that you can create a better life now. Get over your garbage get over the constant beating up and second-guessing and sabotaging yourself. Get over feeling not enough. You are here now and who you are is enough for someone.
Your journey is important. It can have an impact on others only when you’re willing to share it. Here’s the best part, sharing it is what brings you the most reward mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially. These are all a part of the process to master the art of taking action. This is what I work on with my clients and students as I continue to work on this in my own life.
It has been life-changing and game-changing for me and it absolutely can be for you too. My life now is unrecognizable from the life I was living just a decade ago and even more so a decade before that. Even still, just five years ago. I live this you all. I walk my talk.
I live this journey and I always go first and then I bring it back to you. I’m always about more life and I’m always about growing and evolving my life and my business. The Freedom I’m creating for myself is money freedom, time freedom. Absolutely.
My highest core value is freedom. Beyond that, it is having the freedom to have the spiritual journey of my dreams. If you are ready to create a better life now, my coach’s request to you is make a decision to do so. Then a decision has not been made until an action has been taken.
Next set a conscious intention based on something you desire. So make a decision. Set a conscious intention based on something you desire. Make it specific in the present tense something your being, doing, or having.
Immediately begin watching for an opportunity to show up and when it does take inspired aligned action. This is a key like no other. Make sure you continue to tune in. I’ve got a lot more for you.
This is episode two of Find your Freedom series here on my podcast. Make sure we are connected on Facebook. I show up there every day inspiring motivating, educating, informing, and you can send me a direct message right from my personal page
You can also look in the show notes here and get all the information how to connect with me. Reach out I want to hear from you. I want to talk to you if you’re sitting there ready, ready to get help to get support and guidance from a strong mentor who’s being what you want to be doing. What you want to have and being what you want to be doing when you want to do and having what you want to have. I’m gonna leave you with that. I’ll be back for more soon.