Isn’t it time your work reflected who you are and made you money?
I am going to help 7 Emerging Spiritual Teachers, Coaches, Speakers, and Authors this year step into a bigger platform to share your message and gifts with the world.
Discover The Power of a Personality Brand.
I am going to work with you personally to:
- Take what you already have and build a solid foundation and a clear path to clients and cash
- Create the “well-oiled machine” that brings your potential clients to you rather than you pursuing them
- Get your content out there everywhere
- Build your platform of offerings
- Grow your tribe and serve them
You will grow and evolve in your life as you actually start doing what you were made to do and being who you are meant to be, and your business will grow and evolve right along with you. This program is designed to take you from where you are now to establishing yourself in the marketplace as a Leader.
This extensive program consists of a step-by-step, easy to understand and implement system that I have used to build and grow my business from expensive hobby to six figures. More fulfilling than that is being able to be the Coach, Speaker, Teacher, and Author I am called to be with a business that supports and sustains that.
There’s so much I can tell you about this program and this work, and I think it’s best done 1:1. If this calls to you, I invite you to schedule a conversation with me.
My heart is so open to all the clients and students who have been showing up in my business and in my life suddenly finding themselves called to a bigger platform, to take their gifts into the world and be conscious and authentic leaders. So I am following my heart, and through that, discovering and connecting with the true Power of my work and my Self. I am committed to living my message and inspiring and supporting and guiding you to do the same.
Spirit does not call the equipped and the qualified; Spirit equips and qualifies the called. That is a promise. The first step is always up to You. A choice point in every moment, and your moment is NOW.
You’re still with me – Great! So, what now?
“Wait a minute! So how much is this going to cost me?”
I imagine that’s probably the question you’re asking yourself right now. I used to ask myself that, too.
Think about this for a second; what you’re getting here is access to a body of knowledge that is going to not only change your life, but it’s also going to give you the ability to change the lives of other people.
And the best part is, you can apply this new-found knowledge over and over again. It works at every stage of the game.
In fact, as you gain more experience, you will only get better.
This means that the money you invest today will pay you back repeatedly for the rest of your life.
I have mastered the Art of Taking Action, and right away I am going to get you into the kind of action that will create income for you. The best way to grow and evolve your business is to be paid while you’re doing it, and to be serving others who value what you have to offer. This is not about going around for years giving everything away until you feel worthy of charging for it. No! Absolutely not!
I have invested 4 times what I am charging for this program in programs that taught me the same things, studied with industry leaders, and now I bring all that to you.
What makes this program different is that it’s not just teaching and training and coaching. I have included some important offerings here where I do it with you and for you. I have loaded this program with value to ensure your opportunity for success. It’s your move.
As a Private Client, you get everything I have while we are working together. That includes a Coaching Resource that you can refer to whenever you need access to relevant information, and more than that, a lifetime opportunity that includes a community of support and accountability to plug into, ongoing training and guidance, and a teacher, mentor and coach that can walk with you every step of the way. And that’s because I am always growing and learning and investing in myself, and all of that gets passed along to you without having to go all over the place to get it.
When you invest in yourself through this program, here is what you are going to get –
A Seven-Month Private Coaching Program: (Don’t miss the really BIG stuff at the bottom of this list!)
- Personal Guidance and Support: 1-on-1 Coaching personally with me; 1 90-minute personalized FREEDOM session at the start of your program, and bi-weekly 1-hour coaching calls throughout our time together. Deep discounts (46% off) on additional personal individual sessions with me while you are in this program. (Value $3000)
- Group Coaching and Connection: Participation in my Group Coaching Program, Unlimited Profits for Intuitive Women, that includes Business Teaching and Training, Personal and Spiritual Growth, Mindset and Energy Work, and Live Q&A and Coaching Calls. (Value $1497)
- Speaker Training: Access to my Speak for Your Business Workshop to help you learn how to speak for your business both online and offline to increase your income and impact.
- Personal and Spiritual Growth and Development Module: Digital Downloads of my Intuitive Success Self-Healing Home Study Course, “Healing Your Way to Prosperity,” which all my private clients go through as part of their coaching program. (Valued at $197)
- Continuous and Consistent Support from Your Own Personal Success Coach: You will also receive personal ongoing access to me throughout the program so you keep moving forward and are able to act, assess and adjust in a timely and beneficial way. I offer you continuous support, guidance and accountability when you invest with me at this level.
- Business Energy Work: Strategic Business Alignment work with me as your Practitioner so you can discover the core issues that are manifesting unwanted experiences for you in your business and uncover what is holding you back then shift your energy to bring about the success you want to create through a business that is truly aligned to you and supports and sustains the life you want to live.
- Personal Energy Work: Energetic Realignment work at a Soul Level with me as your Practitioner so you can discover the core issues that are manifesting unwanted experiences for you and uncover what is holding you back then shift your energy to bring about healing and transformation on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.
- Spotlight Services: Social Media and E-mail showcasing of you to my networks and my lists.
- Support Services: Access to my Personal Success Library filled with coaching tools for transformation to use in your own practice and in your work with others; digital downloads, pdfs, and videos (Thousands of dollars worth of content and new material as I create it while you are in the program)
- Co-Host One Preview Call with you to your Tribe: I will help you plan and promote a free online event to build your list and make an offer to your Tribe, and I will co-host the event with you. Together, we will create your first Free Live Call using my technology, and you will be given the recording to use over and over again. This will build your list, grow your Tribe, establish expertise, and provide you with a powerful giveaway that I will show you how to use in multiple ways.
- Creating the Ultimate Marketing Tool, Your Book: I will teach you how to write your book in 90 days and show you how to publish it and get it out there. A book is the ultimate marketing tool for getting speaking engagements and for getting booked on other peoples shows and stages as well as for marketing and promoting your business.
As you can see, this 7 months is about getting things done and creating results!
Just imagine what you can do when you have this game-changer! Continuous and Consistent Support from Your Own Personal Success Coach plus the opportunity to plug into a Tribe of committed Spiritual Business Builders like yourself. Receive personal ongoing access to me throughout the program so you keep moving forward and are able to act, assess and adjust in a timely and beneficial way. I offer you continuous support, guidance and accountability when you invest with me at this level.
Right now, you have the opportunity to not only take charge of your own life, but to also help others do the same.
Now that you understand exactly what you have before you, you basically have two options. Say, “Yes!” or say, “No.” Make a decision.
It doesn’t serve you to wait it out, to tell yourself you’re going to think about it. Learn to make decisions. That is what successful people do. That is what will serve you well. The more you are in touch with your Vision for your life, then making a decision is easier. There is a choice point in every moment – this is one of them! – and in every moment, with every choice, you are either moving towards or away from what you want. Nothing is neutral. This is a Universal Guiding Principle, one of 9 that I use in my work and in my life: Everything counts. Everything matters. A choice point in every moment. Our life is shaped by the series of choices we make along the way. Become more conscious about the choices presented to you. Become more conscious of your ability to choose. This requires a shift in perspective from Victim to Creator. This requires taking complete responsibility for all of it.
Make A Decision is the first step in my powerful M.O.V.E. process. Make A Decision and then support yourself in it 100%. Own it. You can change your life in this instant with one very empowering decision. Take inspired action and take charge of your life.
The investment for this entire program is $1250 per month or $7000 if paid in full.
To secure your space in this program, make your down payment here.
Don’t let the cost of this keep you from saying, “Yes!” Let’s work together to make a plan and make it happen for you. Schedule a complimentary consultation with me now.
#Note: I understand that I am being offered a payment plan of 7 months and that this is an agreement between myself and Michelle Barr Unlimited in which this entity will be financing me. My commitment upon signing up is to the entire 7-month program, and I will fulfill my financial obligation as such. I understand that this is not a pay-by-the-month or month-to-month program. My payment to Michelle Barr Unlimited signifies my agreement. Thank you.