
From Calling to Cash

In this book, , author and Spiritual Wealth Mindset Mentor
Dr. Michelle Barr teaches you:

  • How to shift into using your Spiritual Healing Gifts to make money 8 Stages to Clear the Financial and Spiritual Blocks that keep you from making and having money
  • The direct path to creating the business and the life you love
  • Exercises and practices to help you shift your results to achieve more of the success you desire and deserve

Michelle Barr has helped hundreds of Healers, and she can help you. Become the Spiritual Leader and Teacher you dream of being. Create a business with the work that is calling to you and build the life you want to live. Dr. Barr has written a book that is the best of The Secret meets Think and Grow Rich. Get your copy of this book today.

Get Your Foot Out Of Your Mouth!

In this book, , author and Spiritual Wealth Mindset Mentor
Dr. Michelle Barr teaches you:

  • How to shift into using your Spiritual Healing Gifts to make money 8 Stages to Clear the Financial and Spiritual Blocks that keep you from making and having money
  • The direct path to creating the business and the life you love
  • Exercises and practices to help you shift your results to achieve more of the success you desire and deserve

Michelle Barr has helped hundreds of Healers, and she can help you. Become the Spiritual Leader and Teacher you dream of being. Create a business with the work that is calling to you and build the life you want to live. Dr. Barr has written a book that is the best of The Secret meets Think and Grow Rich. Get your copy of this book today.