You have a story right now that includes where you were and where you are now, and the goldmine is what you did to get from there to here. Your Powerful Story will speak to your dream audience. You have to be willing to tell it.
This willingness and the action that follows it will get your business moving right now. It WILL get you clients when you tell the story that speaks to them and follow it up with an offer that also speaks to them.
You need to bring your story out into the world and the marketplace. Start telling it. That is the way you and your business will grow and evolve.
⭐ Your Powerful Story is the GATEWAY to your dream clients. It is how they will connect with you rather than all the others out there who are selling something that is similar on the surface.
⭐ Your Powerful Story makes you relatable. People will start to follow you. They will begin to align with you and come to know and trust you.
This is not about perfection. People want to be what they see you being, do what they see you doing, and have what they see you having. If you aim for perfection, they will see what you offer as unattainable. Learn to be vulnerable.
⚠️ ALERT: Make sure in doing this that you understand, yes, your mess is your message, but don’t share your mess until you have come through it. Do not use your community as a support group. Believe it or not, this happens way too often, and it isn’t good for you or them. It serves no one.
BEING YOU in the marketplace gives others permission to do the same. Lead the way by example. Let them get to know you. They are truly buying you and your energy, no matter how you package it.
Try out your Powerful Story today in a Facebook Live or a blog post, and share it with your community. Speaking for your business is an art and a skill. As you get out there and speak for your business, you can learn to weave your Powerful Story in a way that is compelling and transformational and brings you the clients you dream about and the income you desire.
If you want me to train you to speak for your business to double your income and impact like I did, send me a private message, and let’s talk about it.