Ready to not have to work all of the time?
Ready to release the struggle?
Ready to get into the flow that creates the freedom to be, do, and have what you want, but you don’t know how to fully trust and use the Spiritual Principles to manifest the life you really want to live?
REGISTER NOW. Get Immediate Access.
is a 9-week course featuring live coaching and powerful teachings and trainings that reveals the psychology and energetics of true personal and professional success that unlocks the mystery behind your limitations.
You will be held in a supportive and empowering community to help you grow and evolve into the highest and best version of you.

Hi, I’m Dr. Michelle Barr, author of Loving What’s Next: What You Want Can Be Yours Now! and #SoulTeach: Your Guide to Manifesting What You Need, Want, and Desire. Spiritual Life Coach and Manifesting Expert with over 16 years of experience coaching others just like you to their success in all areas of their life.
I’m really glad you’re here.
Living a life of lack, scarcity, fear, and confusion is all too common in our world today. Since the time you were little, you have been programmed and conditioned to believe in ways of being, doing, and having that have kept you living a less-than life. You have developed stories that you are now forced to live out, and your MONEY STORY may be the biggest one of all! Money is not everything, but it touches everything that is important to you.
THE TRUTH IS, there is no lack of abundance for you. You CAN create a vision of the life you want to live and live a life that supports and sustains you. I know, because I have been where you are, and I found my way through it. I have walked through the fires. I have learned the hard lessons. I have created success and a life I love living, and I have helped hundreds of others do the same through my private coaching, and thousands of others through my programs, my books, and my online media presence.
THE PROBLEM is within you, and the good news is, so is the SOLUTION!
I have gotten to where I am with the help of coaching and group programs. I was so scared and unsure when I invested in my first coaching container, joining a group of others seeking what I was that I could journey with, and I am so glad I did it anyway. I have never looked back. That experience changed my life, and this one right here can change yours.
When we begin to dream big dreams, to set intentions and goals for ourselves, when we begin to strive for prosperity, abundance, health, wealth, and success, everything that is not in alignment with that rises up to be healed or transformed. We must heal so that we can soar.
– Dr. Michelle Barr
We all have things within us that are so automatic we are unaware of them and the way they are limiting our success and our happiness.
Can you relate to any of these?
Having more money is hard work.
What’s wrong with you? Why aren’t you happy with what you have?
Wanting more for yourself is so selfish.
You don’t have what it takes to create what you want.
You need more education, credentials, and other things you don’t have.
Trying to have more money and a better life never works out for you. Who are you to be that, do that, and have that?
If it was God’s will, you would have it.
Hint: You are missing your part of the equation.)
You don’t have the time, the money, the energy for that. This might be for others, but not for you.
That’s a silly idea/wish.
I don’t want you to do that.
You couldn’t handle what it would take. You don’t have it in you.
Those voices are not yours! Your desires are your highest and best self, speaking to you, and it’s time to learn to trust them.
If I’m speaking your language right now, or your innermost thoughts, it’s because you are not alone in this.
I have experienced these same things, and I have transformed them. This shift was the key factor to move me from a toxic marriage, a job I hated, an undiagnosed illness for 7 years, continual money crisis, and caught in a whirlwind of drama, distraction, and chaos all the time to a life I love that supports and sustains me and a business where I am able to do what I am made to do and am financially rewarded all the time.
I am committed to guiding, supporting, and empowering you through my proven transformational processes that leads you to the success you desire and deserve in all areas of your life.
I have personally witnessed so many clients become able to create what they need, want, and desire successfully when they learn to live according to the principles and make this way of being, doing, and having a part of their daily life and practice.


A 9-week journey to help you get your dream out of your head and into the world!
9 weeks of comprehensive teachings and trainings and live coaching that will move you from lack, scarcity, fear, frustration, and confusion to an understanding and knowing that you can create what you want and that you deserve it just because you are you. All the outdated programming and conditioning that no longer serves you will fall away and be replaced with the guidance, support, and empowering thoughts and beliefs you need to create the personal and professional success you are seeking.
Perfect for anyone who dreams of a meaningful and successful life at any age, stage, or season
- Stop the worrying thoughts that get you nowhere.
- Stop giving your power away to others with an agenda that interferes with you making the best decisions for your own life and experience.
- Stop living in not enough or just enough, and discover how to live in more than enough consistently.
- Shift your beliefs, and transform what is showing up in your world.
- Learn the guiding principles and a new way of being who you are in the world that rewards you.
One thing I have learned from you, Michelle, is never stop reaching and always work on moving forward to the unimaginable. With all the work I have done I have realized that we are our own mirror, our own trigger response and we choose the outcome we will follow.Those triggers in our life whether they are positive ones or negative are just that, triggers, that make us reflect on how we are feeling at the moment, and we can control where those triggers lead us to. Michelle has done the work to achieve what we all strive for and that is true peace with ourselves and our purpose here in the universe.
-Alexandra Falticeni-

Develop a long-lasting wealth consciousness mindset that you can be, do, and have all that you need, want, and desire as well as a deep knowing that your life as you want it can exist.
Let’s explore the proven method of Getting What You Want
Based on Ancient Wisdom, Spiritual and Universal Principles, and Modern-Day Circumstances and Results
Live Training Calls are held on scheduled Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. CST and Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. CST. You will be emailed with advance notice.
Week 1
Worthy of a Well-Lived Life: Answer the Call to Set Out on Your Own Empowered Journey
Week 2
Drop Your Stories and Fund the Life of Your Dreams: Discover the Most Important and Overlooked Key to Your Breakthrough
Week 3
Eliminate Self-Sabotage and Start Experiencing Success: Shift the Inner Energetic Dynamics
Week 4
This Is Your Time, Claim It: Decide What You Want
Week 5
Take Back Your Power and Become Prosperous: Work Your Plan
Week 6
Gain Faith In Your Future: How to Handle What Comes Up
Week 7
Own Your New Position: Get Rid of Confusion and Gain Clarity and Confidence
Week 8
Transform Your Success: Positively Address Every Area of Your Life
Week 9
Move from Ordinary to Extraordinary: Embrace This New You and All the Rewards It Brings

I want to say that she’s a coach but that would be a way understatement.
She’s one of the best co-creators I think I’ve ever met.
She has the talent to help you get where you want to go. When I say that, I have to tell you, it’s in a way that very few others have that ability.
-Patrick Dougher-

Hi, I’m Dr. Michelle Barr. You’re still reading this!
That lets me know you are as determined as I was to stop living a less-than life that I didn’t love and stop holding myself back from the life I truly wanted to live.
If you want to take this journey with me, but you still aren’t sure that you dare to hope it can work for you, borrow my belief until you build your own. That’s big part of the process. I was a broke therapist coming out of a toxic marriage to become a single mother of a toddler, in debt, my credit destroyed, the career I wanted to build in shambles, and my mental and emotional clutter running my show.
Even though I had a M.Ed. in Counseling and Guidance, was a lifelong learner, knew how to work hard, and kept going in the face of it all, I couldn’t crack the code to abundance and well-being.
It wasn’t until I learned how to transform who I was being and what I was doing that led me to have what I wanted more of the time, until it became a new way of living. Now, I’m a successful Coach, Speaker, Teacher, and Author in a 32-year marriage, traveling the world and doing what I am made to do. I have committed my life and my work to helping others to have what they need, want, and desire and create a vision of the life they want to live and learn how to live a life they love.
I did it, and not it’s your turn. With my help.
I’ve had the privilege and honor as a transformational coach (I have a Doctorate in Transformational Spiritual Coaching) to coach, mentor, teach, train, support, and guide thousands of people all over the world to transform their consciousness, heal the stuff that is coming up and holding them away from what they want, and create successful, fulfilling, and Soul-satisfying lives they love.
Let me assure you, this approach works, it’s been proven time and time again.
And, now, I’m thrilled to bring it to you.
The Course: What’s Included
• 9 90-minute Teaching and Training recordings with Michelle + access to vault of recordings of all live calls, all teachings and trainings and resource materials. This course was designed as a 9-Week Home Study Course. You can go through it at your own pace and then over and over again.
• Monthly Live Calls that offer additional Teachings and Trainings + Live Laser Coaching with Michelle
• Weekly reflections and meditations to enhance your personal journey
• Weekly optional homework to access new insights and attract new opportunities
• Access to the community via the Desire Mastermind Facebook Group
• Ongoing access to all the teachings, trainings, coaching sessions, and additional resources along with the private Facebook Group
I know that even with these 9 life-changing weeks in READY TO MAKE A M.O.V.E. of teaching and training and live coaching, there are still some additional important trainings to support your transformation to abundance. I will be making these additional resources available to you as a bonus to the course.
- BONUS: Drop Your Money Story 5-week Workshop
- BONUS: New Money Vibration
- BONUS: Plus, a Signed Copy of my new book Loving What’s Next: What You Want Can Be Yours Now!
Thank you, Michelle, for your Program. I came into this workshop with the goal of getting help over my fear of speaking in front of a group of people. I leave with tools and inspiration and the knowledge that I know I can do this thing that I fear most with confidence, grace and clarity. I more clearly understand my message and how to deliver it. I am empowered and, afterall, isn’t that what I was really searching for in the first place? I especially love the fact that the information is there for me to review over and over as I learn in little chunks. Thank you for this and for sharing your knowledge with us all.
-Patricia LeDale Lane-

This program was created to support you to go deeper into the book and the process I guide you through in the book. You don’t have to delay the journey to your transformation and success another moment. This is a great first step or next step for you! I have created this powerful group program to hold you in a supportive and empowering container that is the next best thing to private 1:1 coaching with me. It includes the opportunity for live interactive coaching with me throughout your time in the program. It also includes lifetime access to all the recordings and resources you receive while going through the program. You will have the ability on the Live Q&A calls and in the private Facebook group to ask me questions and receive answers in real time to help you move forward now.
Pay In Full - $297
($497 in October 2024 once the book is released by the Publisher)
Pay Monthly - $99 for 3 months
VIP Private Coaching Session - $497
Want more immediate support? Add a VIP Private Coaching Session
Spend 90 minutes with Michelle privately by Zoom or phone, and get her expert advice, insight, and guidance into your life and your challenges. This private coaching session sells for $997 and can be yours when you sign up for the 9-week course for an additional cost of $497. (That is a savings of $497 off the regular price). The extra attention you will receive to kickstart your journey will be invaluable to you.
Email us for more information.
My Clients LOVE this work!
I’m so grateful to have met you 13 years ago! You have greatly impacted my life. Working with you in 2020 has completely shifted my connection to God, as well as my relationship with money and my business.
I’m so grateful for those months working together! Keep doing your work. You’re changing people’s lives. You’ve changed mine.
Diana Guintu
Dr. Michelle, I find there is something so neat energetically that happens when you talk or coach people. It’s like, energetically, you talk to the deep me, not the mind me, and it’s really interesting to see and feel how, in a really subtle but powerful way, it supports you to shift your story.
When I work with you, I make more money!
Tara Preston
Whenever I put out an offer like this, I get asked, will you be doing this again? Can I join later?
To be true to my teachings, I would tell you the power is in the present moment, the time is always now, and you manifest what you need, want, and desire when you learn to respond to the opportunities when they show up and step into them when you experience the desire.
It may not feel like the right time, but be honest with yourself. Whatever is showing up for you right now when you both want to do this and are talking yourself out of it “for right now” is exactly what we are going to get to the bottom of and eliminate, as it’s your go to self-sabotage default, and it’s got to go!
I would definitely take inspired aligned action right now if this opportunity is the answer to what you have been asking for. Take a leap of faith.
Consider this your safe place to land and your Next Level Upgrade.
If you have questions you need answered before signing up, you can email me at
I will see you inside READY TO MAKE A M.O.V.E.!
Join Now!
Pay In Full - $297
($497 in 2024 once the book is released by the Publisher)
Pay Monthly - $99 for 3 months
VIP Private Coaching Session - $497
Want more immediate support? Add a VIP Private Coaching Session
Spend 90 minutes with Michelle privately by Zoom or phone, and get her expert advice, insight, and guidance into your life and your challenges. This private coaching session sells for $997 and can be yours when you sign up for the 9-week course for an additional cost of $497. (That is a savings of $497 off the regular price). The extra attention you will receive to kickstart your journey will be invaluable to you.
For Private Coaching Opportunities, Schedule a Personal Call with Michelle
Email us for more information.
Michelle, you are worth your weight in GOLD! This is a track I can run on. You are the REAL DEAL! This clarity makes me want to cry. Thank you so much.
God loves me enough to send you to show me the way, and I am grateful. You have taken me to a place of PEACE and INCREASE. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Rachel Thompson
I am honored to write a recommendation for Michelle. She is a colleaque, a coach and a friend. With incredible insight and intuitive wisdom, Michelle has an uncanny ability to say just the right thing. She speaks from her heart and with a deep knowingness. Inspiring and direct, Michelle can guide her clients in a way that they grow and can make tremendous steps in the right direction for their lives.
Denise Ackerman
When I met Michelle, I was looking to express the sadness of losing my husband to cancer last year, and how to move forward finding peace and joy in living my life. I wanted to find the tools and resources I needed to help me on my journey to discover my life purpose, and Michelle has certainly helped me to do so. Michelle, you are insightful, informative, and simply incredible! Thank you for your wisdom. You have helped me on my path to enlightenment, and I am filled with gratitude to have met you along this journey.
Velma Ballot
Michelle is one of the most heart centered people I know. If you need a coach she will help you push your edge of excellence in a good way!
MarVeena Meek
MICHELLE!!!! OMG! I must share with you tonight the events that have taken place JUST TODAY!!! You said it, I did it and it happened!!!!
Kimbra Thompson
I can’t go back to those patterns that made me lose focus and get diverted and be unclear. I have arrived at a different place. You didn’t force on me one way. You allowed me to BLOSSOM IN DIVINE ORDER. I am not troubled any more. I am at peace. You took me where I needed to go that I didn’t even know. I have already found my ACRES OF DIAMONDS. They are where I am now. I couldn’t see them or receive them. I can’t believe it took me 6 months to unravel all that. I was so entangled.
Rachel Thompson
I just want to say thank you for showing up at the perfect time and inviting me in a loving, nudging way to play a bigger game.
I’m ready now. ♥ Thank you.
Lisa Carmen
Michelle is a highly intuitive healer and coach who knows how to get you unstuck the quickest way possible. She has a wealth of knowledge and Soul Level Wisdom to draw from that makes her approach unique, catalystic and deeply healing. I would highly recommend Michelle if you are wanting to uplevel in business, start a new career or just move past some life patterns that are holding you back.
Marie Georgopulos
Oh Michelle — I hardly know where to start in relaying my thanks for our time together, and all your wonderful (perfect!) words! What came from it all was both totally unexpected and equally powerful in terms of real, tangible, outcome in ways I’m still more ‘allowing’ than I am in ‘completely understanding,’ (…don’t have to ‘understand’ to respect the power and overwhelming love that came through the experience and continues to be around me).
To say there was a significant shift in my being is to put it mildly. And to say I’m loving this new way of being here, of being in my own skin, of being in this world is also to seriously understate the situation — and danged if I can pinpoint exactly why. A good portion of it I credit to the obviously successful erasing (at my request) of the unnecessary fears, anxiety planning, and all that. I’m free-er now to literally BE in this world, in this life, with more focus, more patience, more calm, and the strong sense of peace and acceptance that I have never known (or could even dare to imagine) until now. I also feel much more at peace about being with my husband and all his challenges — it’s gone/transformed/all much more comfortable now, and I look forward to going forward (together) without fear… (for me, that’s big too!) At the outset – I didn’t know to even imagine these things, in particular, would/could happen nor that these changes would be so profound and powerful — and I’m ever so deeply grateful that they did! I still tingle with deepest appreciation at the joy and near-magic of our work together.
Jan Pritchard